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Balkanium is a photography magazine about the Balkans that tends to connect people through stories, and photographers through collaboration on the magazine. The stories about different people and their traditions, culture and life that highlight interesting differences and similarities, will create a virtual bond here and platform where you can get to know each other and together create a more positive view of the Balkans and its spirit.

Анђела Петровски
May 10, 2024
Sentimental journey / Sentimentalno putovanje
During my visit in March 2024 to my hometown, Negotin and the village of Prahovo in Eastern Serbia, a large number, over hundreds of...

Анђела Петровски
Feb 23, 2024
Bulgaria travelogue / Putopis kroz Bugarsku
At the beginning of January, my good friend and passionate landscape photographer Luka and I decided to go to Bulgaria. We decided to see...

Анђела Петровски
Jan 31, 2024
Harapides of Pagoneri / Harapidi iz Pagonerija
Every year in Northern Greece, traditional Dionysian events take place over Christmas, from the 23rd of December to the 8th of January....

Анђела Петровски
Nov 11, 2023
Abandoned Prespa - Ljubojno / Napuštena Prespa / Ljubojno
I've been documenting the changes in my grandma's village in Prespa and the effects of globalization and climate change on the lake and...

Анђела Петровски
Oct 25, 2023
Pancevo dystopia / Pančevo distopija
In the heart of our town, hidden away from the eyes of the public, lie two contrasting slums that tell a harrowing tale of hardship and...

Анђела Петровски
Sep 13, 2023
Galicnik wedding / Galička svadba
The Wedding of Galicnik is an annual event held in the village of Galicnik located in the westernmost part of North Macedonia. In the...

Анђела Петровски
Aug 19, 2023
Interview with Bertan Selim - Founder of VID Foundation for photography
Photo of Bertan by: Omar Imam ''Photography has deepened my understanding of the World.'' Bertan Selim Hello Bertan! It is so lovely to...

Анђела Петровски
Aug 7, 2023
Toplarna is a compelling project that endeavors to document and preserve the narratives of individuals residing and working in close...

Анђела Петровски
Jul 25, 2023
Return to Betina / Povratak u Betinu
In the summer of 2019. my grandmother and mother returned to Betina, with me for who it was the first time. Betina is a small place on...

Анђела Петровски
Jul 12, 2023
Mužlja is located in the Middle Banat district, in the province of Vojvodina, in the Republic of Serbia. It is XIV. the local community...

Анђела Петровски
Jul 2, 2023
Traveling by ferry is the most common way tourists get from the mainland to the islands (and vice versa). Jadrolinija is the largest...

Анђела Петровски
May 24, 2023
Father and son / Otac i sin
Ongoing project "To Touch is To Give Life." - Michelangelo As a father of two little boys, not so little by the day, I have realized how...

Анђела Петровски
Apr 18, 2023
Bele Poklade
Bele Poklade is a custom that begins the Great Easter Fast and aims that people to enter the fast without sin. It is believed that on...

Анђела Петровски
Apr 2, 2023
Vevčani Carnival / Vevčanski karneval
The Vevčani Carnival is a traditional carnival held annually in the village of Vevčani, located in the Republic of North Macedonia. The...

Анђела Петровски
Mar 21, 2023
Amorgos island Feast / Praznik na ostrvu Amorgos
One of the biggest festivals of Amorgos takes place every year in Panagia Epanochoriani. On the eve and the day of the feast of the...

Анђела Петровски
Jan 22, 2023
One day in Papradište / Jedan dan u Papradištu
Papradište is a village located on the slopes of Dautica Mountain, southwest of Veles. At the moment there are less than 10 people living...

Анђела Петровски
Jan 11, 2023
The Coffee and Tea House “Teferic” / Kafečajnica Teferič
The Coffee and Tea House “Teferic” is located in Novi Pazar, Serbia. It’s situated in the town center’s old bazaar, surrounded by craft...

Анђела Петровски
May 25, 2022
Ethno house "Lazarev konak" / Etno kuća „Lazarev konak“
"Above the town of Obrenovac, there is the village of Mislođin, and in it, there is one estate and in the estate, there is a sculpture, a...

Анђела Петровски
May 9, 2022
Azra Dedić
Azra Dedić is the name of the first person with Down syndrome who has a permanent job in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to hiring...

Анђела Петровски
May 2, 2022
The smallest ethnological museum in the world / Najmanji etno muzej na svetu
Simeon Zlatev is an architect who dedicated his whole life to collecting, exploring and preserving the cultural heritage of the Balkans....
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