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Azra Dedić

Writer: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Azra Dedić is the name of the first person with Down syndrome who has a permanent job in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to hiring her, Azra is also a successful athlete.

She has been training judo for 13 years and she is the European champion in judo in the category for people with special needs.

Her greatest wish is to participate in the Olympic Games.

A series of photos was taken in her hometown of Bihac during her training.


Azra Dedić je ime prve osobe sa Daunovim sindromom koja ima posao u Bosni i Hercegovini.Pored svog uspeha u poslu, Azra je takođe i uspešna atletičarka.

Trenira džudo 13 godina u kategoriji za ljude sa posebnim potrebama.

Njena najveća želja je da učestvuje na Olimpijskim igrama.

Ova serija fotografija je napravljena u njenom rodnom gradu Bihaću tokom jednog od njenih džudo treninga.


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