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In between / Između

Writer's picture: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

This project is about documenting places and people inhabiting the in-between realities of social constructs. It looks at a society within the boundaries of Europe, but not necessarily representative of European way of life.

Freedom of political choice is a right, but is repeatedly stifled by corruption and lack of prospects. Its people live between the remnants of the communist ideology and the diminishing hopes for a democratic present. They co-exist (and co-create a future) amidst a variety of ethnic cultures and perceive life through different languages, (both inherited from the past).

Technology is often found in its most contrasting, caricature-like extremes.

It sees childhood, parenting, camaraderie, dilemmas, death … the uniting power of the human condition.

Svilen Nachev


Svilen Nachev is born in 1979. in the small bulgarian town of Svishtov located on Danube river. He is interested in photography since his teens, but started shooting the streets in 2011.

“For me photography is passion, enjoyment, an escape from the ordinary, way of documenting life and expressing myself. My main reason to shoot is to take better pictures, exploring the streets for something hidden and to catch a glimpse of what life was like for the next generations.”

From January 2017. member of BULB Collective (Bucharest Urban League of photographers for the Balkans)


Ovaj projekat se bavi dokumentovanjem mesta i ljudi koji naseljavaju prostor između realnosti i društvenih konstrukcija. Istražuje društvo koje živi unutar granica Evrope, ali ne nužno i evropskim načinom života.

Sloboda političkog izbora je pravo i postoji, ali se stalno guši korupcijom i nedostatkom perspektive. Narod živi između ostataka komunističke ideologije i sve je manje nade u demokratsku sadašnjost. Oni koegzistiraju (i ko-kreiraju budućnost) usred različitih etničkih kultura i doživljavaju život kroz različite jezike nasleđene iz prošlosti.

Tehnologija se često može pronaći u svojim najkontrastnijim, karikaturalnim ekstremima. Ona prati detinjstvo, roditeljstvo, drugarstvo, dileme i smrt... ujedinjenu moć koja čini i odrećuje celokupno ljudsko stanje.

Svilen Nachev


Svilen Nachev je rođen 1979. godine u malom bugarskom gradu Svištov koji se nalazi na reci Dunav. Od tinejdžerskih godina ga zanima fotografija, ali je počeo da snima na ulicama 2011. godine.

„Za mene je fotografija strast, uživanje, bekstvo od uobičajenog, način dokumentovanja života i izražavanja sebe. Moj glavni razlog da snimam je da napravim bolje slike, istražujem ulice u potrazi za nečim skrivenim i da vidim kakav je život izgledao za naredne generacije.” Od januara 2017. godine je član BULB kolektiva (Bucharest Urban League of photographers for the Balkans)


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