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Streets of Mostar / Ulice Mostara

Writer: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Mostar is a small city that people have lots of opinions about. It’s rich in history, a complete mesh of architectural styles (like much of the Balkans), and full of passionate kinsfolk who know how to persevere.

Mostar is synonymous with its famous bridge; joining both sides of the dazzling Neretva, the stones eroded through time by the river’s fierce current and grim warfare. Yet it stands again proud, like a true Hercegovinian. And while multitudes of tourists come and go, snapping their selfies to prove that they have witnessed this piece of history, their Instagram stories do not due justice to this town.

No, it’s the people who make Mostar Mostar! The town is after all named after the bridge-keeper not the bridge. Mostar is these people in these photos and much more.

Photo & Text by Katie McCraw


Mostar je mali grad o kome ljudi imaju različita mišljenja. Bogat je istorijom, mrežom arhitektonskih stilova (poput većeg dela Balkana) i puna strastvenih ljudi koji znaju

da to očuvaju.

Mostar je nazvan po svom čuvenom mostu; spajajući obe strane blistave Neretve, kamenje je erodiralo za vreme žestokih struja reke i mračnih ratova. Ipak je opet ponosan, poput pravog Hercegovca. I dok mnoštvo turista dolazi i odlazi, snimajući selfije kako bi dokazalo da su svedoci ovog dela istorije, njihove Instagram priče ne zaslužuju ovaj grad.

Ne, to su ljudi koji čine Mostar Mostarom! Grad je ipak nazvan po čuvaru mosta, a ne po mostu. Mostar su ovi ljudi na ovim fotografijama i još mnogo toga više.

Fotografije & tekst by Katie McCraw


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