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The Coffee and Tea House “Teferic” / Kafečajnica Teferič

Writer: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

The Coffee and Tea House “Teferic” is located in Novi Pazar, Serbia. It’s situated in the town center’s old bazaar, surrounded by craft stores, bakeries, and coffee roasters. Teferic is unique for its warm and welcoming ambiance but also for its process of preparing coffee.

The old Isa-Begov bath house resides just below the coffee house. Its backyard, enclosed by ancient stone walls, serves as a patio in the summer. In the corner of the café is a very small kitchen, where coffee is prepared on hot embers. A man behind the bar skillfully and quickly prepares the muddy thick coffee and disseminates it into cups. The place is filled with patrons: those who linger in conversation and those who drink their morning coffee and go off on their way. A young man serves the coffee from store to store so that at any given moment, coffee that is made from the Teferic kitchen is being sipped in some location of the bazaar.

Everyone here is a friend, a colleague, or a neighbor. People here are dynamic, they often walk from table to table to greet familiar and even unfamiliar faces. They order another round and start a new conversation. This place is an inevitable destination for almost anyone who visits the bazaar. It simply radiates such an atmosphere that it calls for a moment to take a coffee break, smile, greet people, share a moment together and go on with our day.

Photo & Text by Anđela Petrovski


Kafečajnica “Teferič” se nalazi u Novom Pazaru. Specifična je po toplom i prijateljskom raspoloženju, mirisu i izgledu, kao i načinu pripreme kafe.

Nalazi se u staroj čaršiji u centru grada, okružena zanatlijskim dućanima, pekarama i pržionicama kafe. Ispod nje se nalazi Isa – Begov hamam čije dvorište, ograđeno debelim zidovima, leti služi kao bašta. U uglu kafečajnice je kuhinjica, gde se kuva kafa u prosutom žaru. Čovek iza šanka vešto i brzo kuva kafu i sipa u šoljice. Prostorija je uvek puna ljudi, onih koji se zadube u priču i onih koji popivši prvu kafu nastavljaju svojim putem. Momak iz kafečajnice prenosi kafe od dućana do dućana po narudžbini, tako da se, svakog momenta na nekom mestu ispija ta kafa, spremljena na žaru u “Teferiču”.

Ovde su svi prijatelji, kolege ili komšije. Ljudi se smeju, dinamični su, često šetaju od stola do stola pozdravljajući se sa poznatim i sa nepoznatim ljudima. Naruče novu turu i kreću u novu priču. Ovo mesto predstavlja nezaobilaznu tačku na putu skoro svakog čoveka koji u tom trenutku prolazi čaršijom. Jednostavno odiše takvom atmosferom, da nas zove da na momenat napravimo pauzu za kafu, nasmejemo se, sretnemo ljude, podelimo određene trenutke smeha i priča, i nastavimo dalje.

Fotografije & Tekst – Anđela Petrovski


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