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The tradition of mowing / Tradicija kosidbe

Writer's picture: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Mowing is the main part of the traditional Krajina choir, which has been held for twenty years in Bukovac, near Novi Sad.

Each mower has about 150 square meters to mow, and in addition to the speed that carries the most points, the cleanliness of the mowing, the complexity of the mowing, and even the folk costume of the mower are assessed.

In the competition, the advantage is gained by the skill gained through many years of experience and careful physical preparation, because they say that mowing is a huge physical effort. In addition to the competition part, the audience can also enjoy the show part where young generations show their new skills, who will continue the tradition of this craft, but also for some women because there is no competition category for them.

Before the start of mowing, all the reapers gather and participate together in the traditional singing, which is very characteristic of those areas, and the mowing ends with a joint lunch in the field with the specific smell of freshly mown grass.

Photo & Text by Jelena Ivanović


Kosidba je glavni deo tradicionalnog zavičajnog zbora Krajišnika koji se održava već dvadeset godina u selu Bukovac, u blizini Novog Sada.

Svaki kosač ima oko 150 kvadrata da pokosi, a pored brzine koja nosi najviše bodova, ocenjuje se čistina otkosa, složenost otkosa pa čak i narodna nošnja kosca.

U nadmetanju se prednost stiče veštinom stečenom dugogodišnjim iskustvom i ozbiljnom fizičkom pripremom, jer kažu da je kosidba ogroman fizički napor. Pored takmičarskog dela, publika može da uživa i u revijalnom delu gde svoje nove veštine pokazuju mladi naraštaji koji će nastaviti tradiciju ovog zanata, ali i po koja žena jer ne postoji njihova takmičarska kategorija.

Pre početka kosidbe svi kosci se okupljaju i zajedno učestvuju u tradicionalnom pevanju koje je vrlo karakteristično za te krajeve, a kosidba se završava zajedničkim ručkom na poljani uz specifičan miris tek pokošene trave.

Foto & Tekst - Jelena Ivanović


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