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Traditional Pomak wedding in Ribnovo/ Tradicionalno venčanje u Ribnovu

Writer: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Ribnovo, a remote village in Rhodope Mountains today remains the only place where the traditional wedding ceremonies of Bulgarian Pomak minority are still practiced. They take place every winter, which is considered as the wedding season. The culmination of the wedding comes at the end of the second day with the “gelina” or the painting of the bride’s face. The bride is taken to a room where only women can enter. An elderly woman bends over her and gently covers her face with a layer of white cream so thick that the girl’s features become indecipherable and finally sticks dozens of shiny sequins to her brows, cheeks, and forehead, creating elaborate designs. The bride is then veiled and taken out of the room to meet her future husband and to distribute her family’s presents to the guests.

Author: Konstantin Novaković

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Ribnovo, udaljeno selo u Rodopima, danas je jedino mesto gde se još uvek održavaju tradicionalni obredi venčanja bugarske pomačkog venčanja. Održavaju se svake zime, koja se smatra sezonom venčanja. Kulminacija venčanja dolazi na kraju drugog dana sa „gelinom“ ili slikanjem nevestinog lica. Mladu odvode u sobu u koju mogu da uđu samo žene. Starija žena se saginje nad njom i nežno joj prekriva lice slojem bele kreme toliko guste da devojčine crte lica postaju nerazgovetne i na kraju lepi desetine sjajnih šljokica na njene obrve, obraze i čelo, stvarajući razrađene dizajne. Mlada se zatim zaklanja velom i izvodi iz sobe da upozna svog budućeg muža i podeli porodične poklone gostima.

Author: Konstantin Novaković

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Sep 06, 2022



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